Oplev førsteklasses medicinsk teknologi: hjul til hospitalssenge, drejelige hjul, dobbelthjul og plasthjul specielt til hospitals- og kliniksenge.

[Translate to Dänisch:] Krankenbetten Rollen in waschbarer und elektrisch leitfähiger Ausführung mit zentraler Feststellung

Ønsker du personlig rådgivning om hjul til hospitalssenge?

Hvorfor er STEINCOs medicinske hjul perfekte til brug på hospitaler, klinikker, ambulatorier og lægepraksisser?

[Translate to Dänisch:] Klinik- Krankenhaus- und Spitalbett-Rollen in prämiertem design und hygienischer und antibakterieller Bauart

Hvilke rullekonstruktionsformer og designs tilbyder STEINCO Medicals produktsortiment til hospitals- og kliniksenge?

[Translate to Dänisch:] Steinco Krankenhausbett Rollen - Medizintechnik Rollen des Steinco Medical Rollen-Programms Serie 889, 899, 558, 568 Medizintechnik

Klik her for at se vores hjul.

Hvorfor skal du som planlægger, designer eller produktudvikler af hospitals-, klinik- og hospitalssenge stole på STEINCO-hospitalssengehjul lige fra starten?

[Translate to Dänisch:] Steinco Medical Rollen - kostenlose 3D Modelle in vielen Dateiformaten für Planer, Konstrukteure, Projekteure und Produktentwickler

Hvilke krav og standarder skal du overholde for hospitals-, klinik- og laboratoriesenge med enkelt- og dobbelthjul?

[Translate to Dänisch:] Medical Krankenhausbett-, Klinikbett-, und Spitalbett-Rollen in vielen Durchmessern 100, 125, 150, 200 mm und Traglasten

Swivel castor, ∅ 150 mm
Double swivel castor, Housing made of polyamide, swivel bearing with precision ball bearing, colour: RAL 9002 - Grey white
Locking device with total lock, centrally operated
Wheel with ball bearing and non-marking grey polyurethane tyres (TPU)
Connection via stem Ø32x50mm switching profile horizontal
Special functions: machine washable with the recommendations of the AK-BWA
Double swivel castor with total lock, centrally operated, stem Ø32x50mm, wheel diameter: 150mm, load capacity: 200 kg, with non-marking grey polyurethane tyres (TPU) / 94 shore A 4 YKR0 DUA0 4#YKR0#DUA0 4YKR0DUA0 caster Nylon castor non-marking twinwheel double swivel brake Hospital beds Hospital and surgery equipment Operating tables Medical equipment
Castor: Mounting height (mm): 180180Castor: Wheel Ø (mm): 150150Castor: Load capacity (kg): 200200

Swivel castor, ∅ 150 mm
Double swivel castor, Housing made of polyamide, swivel bearing with precision ball bearing, colour: RAL 9002 - Grey white
Locking device with total lock, centrally operated
Wheel with ball bearing and non-marking grey polyurethane tyres (TPU)
Connection via stem Ø32x50mm switching profile horizontal
Special functions: machine washable with the recommendations of the AK-BWA, conductive
Double swivel castor with total lock, centrally operated, stem Ø32x50mm, wheel diameter: 150mm, load capacity: 150 kg, with non-marking grey polyurethane tyres (TPU) / 94 shore A, Conductive 4 Y6F0 DQD0 4#Y6F0#DQD0 4Y6F0DQD0 caster Nylon castor non-marking twinwheel double swivel brake Hospital beds Hospital and surgery equipment Operating tables Nursing home beds Medical equipment
Castor: Mounting height (mm): 155155Castor: Wheel Ø (mm): 150150Castor: Load capacity (kg): 150150

Swivel castor, ∅ 100 mm
Single wheel swivel castor, Housing made of polyamide, swivel bearing with precision ball bearing, colour: RAL 7004 - Signal grey
Locking device with total and directional lock, centrally operated
Wheel with ball bearing and non-marking grey polyurethane tyres (TPU)
Connection via stem Ø28x95mm switching profile horizontal
Special functions: cleaning by wipe disinfection possible without restrictions
Single wheel swivel castor with total and directional lock, centrally operated, stem Ø28x95mm, wheel diameter: 100mm, load capacity: 90 kg, with non-marking grey polyurethane tyres (TPU) / 80 shore A 2 XUN0 PTA0 2#XUN0#PTA0 2XUN0PTA0 caster Nylon castor non-marking singlewheel brake Hospital and surgery equipment Operating tables Nursing home beds Medical equipment
Castor: Mounting height (mm): 139139Castor: Wheel Ø (mm): 100100Castor: Load capacity (kg): 9090

Swivel castor, ∅ 150 mm
Single wheel swivel castor, Housing made of polyamide, swivel bearing with precision ball bearing, colour: RAL 9002 - Grey white
Locking device with total and directional lock, centrally operated
Wheel with ball bearing and non-marking grey polyurethane tyres (TPU)
Connection via stem Ø28x95mm switching profile horizontal
Special functions: machine washable with the recommendations of the AK-BWA, conductive
Single wheel swivel castor with total and directional lock, centrally operated, stem Ø28x95mm, wheel diameter: 150mm, load capacity: 150 kg, with non-marking grey polyurethane tyres (TPU) / 94 shore A, Conductive 2 Z4Q0 NP10 2#Z4Q0#NP10 2Z4Q0NP10 caster Nylon castor non-marking singlewheel brake Hospital beds Medical equipment
Castor: Mounting height (mm): 188188Castor: Wheel Ø (mm): 150150Castor: Load capacity (kg): 150150

Hvorfor skal du som indkøber og leverandør af hospitals-, klinik- og hospitalssenge stole på STEINCO-hospitalssengehjul lige fra starten?

[Translate to Dänisch:] Individuallösungen für Krankenhausbett Rollen und Klinikbett Rollen in Farbe, Feststeller, Befestigung und auf Wunsch mit Kunden-Logo

Andreas Kargio

Service i marken

32*** - 37***
74*** - 76***

Tony Ch. Lederle

Salgschef for Tyskland
Ansvarlig for: Nordtyskland, Østtyskland og Vesttyskland

Andrea Garbe

Key Account Manager
Ansvarlig for: Sydtyskland

Thierry Le Hingrat

Salgschef for Europa

Hvad er de specifikke krav til sikkerhed, hygiejne og manøvredygtighed for hospitalssengeruller og kliniksengeruller?

[Translate to Dänisch:] Rollen für Spitalbetten und Patientenbetten mit Kabelschutz in elektrisch leitfähiger und waschbarer Ausführung
[Translate to Dänisch:] Steinco Medical Rollen für Krankenhaus- und Klinik-Rollbetten in Premium Qualität mit Präzisions-Kugellagern und -Schwenklagern
[Translate to Dänisch:] Medizintechnik-Rollen für Klinik-, Krankenhaus-, und Spitalbetten in ESD und waschbarer Ausführung

Lad os rådgive dig og få dit individuelle tilbud på STEINCO-hospitalssengehjul i dag!

Monteringstyper til medicinske hjul og dobbelthjul

Hvordan er hjulene med centrallås fastgjort til hospitalssengen?

[Translate to Dänisch:] Krankenbettenrolle mit Zapfen für Zentralfeststellung

Spigot til centrallås

Andre typer fastgørelser til enkle hospitalssenge eller undersøgelsessenge med hjul

[Translate to Dänisch:] STEINCO Zapfen (Bolzen) mit Querbohrung an Medizintechnikrolle